
Friday, 29 August 2014


Over the last four weeks, we have covered the description of the four main emotions: fear, anger, sadness and happiness.

From this week onwards, we'll be covering other themes besides emotions; we'll be going through writing techniques as well as literary devices that make your writing more interesting.

This week, we'll talk about metaphors. Like the previous weeks' format, the first video will discuss the picture and come up with a relevant and interesting storyline.

Video 1: Storyline

In the second video, we go through the sample story.

Video 2: Sample Story

We will explain what metaphors are in the third video. At the same time, we'll show you examples of metaphors, from a famous poem, from the sample story and common metaphors. We'll also explain to you why metaphors are important.

Video 3: Metaphors

In Video 3 from 9min 46" onwards, there are a couple of typos in the last question on the worksheet. The last question reads:

Can you list some metaphor those that you have come across?

This question should read:

Can you list some metaphors those that you have come across?

I've corrected the typos in the Resources. My apologies for not amending the video -- it's a lot more difficult and time-consuming to re-record the video and re-edit it again.




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