
Friday, 8 August 2014


This is this week's composition. I've split it into two videos as it came up to almost twenty minutes despite my best efforts.

The first video will go through the outline of the story, and in the second video, we go through how to describe anger.

The first video (I tried to embed the video, but being rather technically unsavvy, I'm having problems, and I'm in a hurry, so will leave it as a link instead, and come back to fix it later). Edit: Embedded already. Whoo hoo! Learnt a new trick today. Who says you can't teach old dogs new tricks?

The second video:

I'll add the link to the resources later.

And that's all for now.


Click on the links below to download the resources.


PEA of Anger


1. There are more points given in the resources. That's because I was trying to keep the videos short so I took out the descriptions that were not so apt for this story.

2. There is a mistake in the story outline. In Paragraph 6 of the story (Setting - Accident (P6)), second bullet, the sentence should be: avalanche of french fries, soft drinks hot coffee and egg landed on...and mother

If you want to increase the severity of the situation, you could add 'piping hot coffee' or 'steaming hot coffee'. You get the idea. ;)

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