
Sunday, 26 May 2013

Spelling Lists for Semester 1 Week 25

Tip of the Week

What is the difference between 'alright' and 'all right'?

There is none actually. Both are interchangeable. The only thing to note is that 'all right' is more widely accepted than 'alright', that is, it is like a credit card that is accepted at more places. So if you want to be kiasu, I suggest you use 'all right'.

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Advanced Composition

1. balefully
2. predicament
3. exorbitant
4. fester
5. hideous
6. mutilated
7. minuscule
8. Lucy was a stubborn girl and her mother's warnings rolled like water off a duck's back.

Intermediate Composition

1. voiced my suspicions
2. protrude
3. resemble
4. shudder
5. thorough investigations
6. bestow
7. asylum
8. A thorough search of the flat yielded the most grisly finds.

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