
Sunday, 3 March 2013

Spelling Lists for Semester 1 Week 13

Tip of the Week

1. I was walking along the road when I heard the blare of the horn.

2. I was walking along the road when I heard the blare of a horn.

Which is the correct sentence?

It depends. If it is the first time the horn is being mentioned, then it should be (2). For most stories written in primary school (where road accidents is a common theme), it is likely to be (2).)

However, if earlier in the story, the horn has been mentioned before (for example, in the story, a character has bought a new car and the horn of the car has a distinctive blare), then (1) would be the correct answer. This is a more unusual storyline and unlikely to be the case.

It appears to be a nitty-gritty issue; what's the big deal, the difference between 'a' and 'the'? But for a grammar Nazi like me and many other English language teachers, it is the difference between an excellent composition and one that is merely good, all other things being equal.

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Advanced Composition

1. disdainful
2. intoxicated
3. a red haze of anger enveloped him
4. sufficient
5. assault
6. I was tormented by my conscience for abandoning my friend.
7. plagued by nightmares
8. seized by an awful suspicion

Intermediate Composition

1. The wind was howling like a banshee.
2. spooky
3. psychopath
4. shuddered
5. Bracing myself, I dragged my leaden feet to the window.
6. thump
7. My eyes darted frantically.
8. gingerly

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