
Thursday, 14 February 2013

A Composition A Week - The Call of Nature

For Semester 1 Week 9, the Advanced Composition class was asked to write a story based on the following beginning:

You were in class having a lesson. Then you suddenly felt like you had to go to the toilet...

The sample story given was the narrator soiling himself/herself in the classroom. But some of the pupils had written their own stories and I would like to present a couple that were rather well-written.

The first piece is a humorous story and as I've mentioned before, humour is actually quite a mature concept so I'm always impressed when a primary school pupil is able to master it and use it successfully in a story. This story is one of such examples:

The next piece is a more conventional piece but it has its strengths. The story has a sound structure and the writer used speech very appropriately. Not only that, but the vocabulary was also vividly and aptly applied and there is just a slight dash of witty humour in the piece. Enjoy.

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